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Tips to staying mentally stable during the pandemic and have fun

Welcome back,

Today am going to give u a few tips to keep you mentally stable during this pandemic where we all have to be in quarantine. these tips will help you whether your are working from home, home schooling the kids. alone with your partner  or simply just a single person living alone.

If you are working from home u can simply decorate your work space with vibrant colors and photographs of loved ones.  In  seeing that is where u spend majority of ur day decorating your workspace lifts the mood and u wont feel so alone and dull while working..

If you are homeschooling the kids you can find creative ways of bonding with them while teaching them the materials sent to you by their educators.  if your child loves singing come together and create a song based on the lesson not only will it be fun but it will also take everyone's mind off of being locked up at home..

If you and your spouse lives alone you can plan a suprise inside night out regardless of the gender in the relationship.. no outside space no problem move a few furniture around put the dinner table beside a window that you guys can gaze upon the stars and each others eyes.. order take out or cook what ever best fits your pocket and just enjoy each others company,    have a movie night every other night and do something fun in between whether it be board games, PS4 whatever you have handy make it work.

If your single then get a hobby make a bucket list of everything u ever wanted to do that u can accomplish right there in the comfort of your home.. take it one step at a time and check off the items off your list once you have completed them.. are you confident enough then be a YouTuber, a blogger a vlogger whatever it is that is convenient to you and coincides with you personality.

There are alot of other things you can do.. just think about it..

                                    Until next time stay bless,                                          stay fresh and above all else                                         be happy


  1. Great tips, I saw this and it was the first of many posts that kept prompting me to finally start my own, keep writing !


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